Payal's Project Update 3

by Payal Patel

25 Apr 2016


I reached the milestones I set for myself in the last class. I think I have finished a lot of my program. Most of what I have left will deal with cleaning up my code and making it more user friendly. One of my milestones is to “add more user-friendly text to each option”. By this I mean I want to go back and add more print statements in my options. With these print statements I intend to give more detailed information to the user. I found that when I was going through my program I knew what was happening because I created; however, I realized that other users will not. Also, I would like to see if it’s possible to change out some of the text looks when it is printed out. To me it seemed like all of the words blended together after using the program for a while. It would be nice to come up with a way to distinguish between different actions taken by the user while using the program. I also plan on creating help text for the user as well as making sure to deal with user error. If I have additional time, I will try my stretch milestones, specifically the one regarding the vertical histogram for a visual data printout.

Link to my program:

Old Plan:

Milestones I will work on next:

  • [x] create more options for program

  • [x] visual data text printouts

  • [x] deal with user error –using try/except, or if/elif? ~kind of, started working on this, more work left to do.

To be scheduled milestones:

  • [ ] help text –accessible throughout program

  • [ ] comment code

  • [ ] runs without errors

  • [x] format results from each option –well, halfway (I did this for a couple of options, haven’t finished for all.)

Stretch Milestones:

  • [ ] create at least one visual data text printout that is a vertical histogram

  • [ ] compare data from two different csv files at the same time

New Plan:

Milestones I will work on next:

  • [ ] deal with user error

  • [ ] help text –accessible throughout program

  • [ ] comment code

  • [ ] runs without errors

  • [x] format results from each option –well, halfway (I did this for a couple of options, haven’t finished for all.)

  • [ ] clean up code–create different modules for option functions and fileSelection function

  • [ ] add more user-friendly text in each option function

Stretch Milestones:

  • [ ] format text/results for each option

  • [ ] create at least one visual data text printout that is a vertical histogram

  • [ ] compare data from two different csv files at the same time

Payal is a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill majoring in Information Science. Find Payal Patel on Twitter, Github, and on the web.