Navaneet's Turtle Programs!

by Navaneet Galagali

18 Jan 2016

Turtle Drawing Exercise:

Turtle Hacking Exercise:


I liked both of these exercises quite a bit. The first exercise helped me get familiar with the Turtle API and the second one allowed me to experiment with different functions. I was originally trying to simulate a “race” between four turtles where the background would change colors (from ‘red’ to ‘orange’ to ‘green’) to indicate ‘Ready, set, go!’. I had each turtle at a different speed but I was having trouble figuring out how to make more than one turtle move at the same time so I scrapped that idea and went for drawing a smiley face with three turtles. I kept the background color change since it added variety and changed the last color to Carolina blue instead of green. I looked through the Turtle API to learn how to do this.

I like to play tennis and run. Find Navaneet Galagali on Twitter, Github, and on the web.