Navaneet's Project Update 3!

by Navaneet Galagali

25 Apr 2016

My revised milestones from last class are:

  • Read all data into python lists
  • Create a dictionary with each state as key and as value another dictionary with candidate as key and vote as value
  • Create a dictionary with each candidate as key and as value another dictionary with state as key and vote as value
  • Create a dictionary with each county as key and as value another dictionary with candidate as key and vote as value
  • Create a dictionary with each county as key and as value another dictionary with party as key and vote as value
  • Create a dictionary with each state as key and as value another dictionary with party as key and vote as value
  • Build a user interface for the user to select three modes (state, candidate, and county)
  • Have a help option to give the user directions on navigating the app
  • Create actual help instructions
  • For each mode, allow the user to enter any state, candidate, or county respectively and display the corresponding value(s)
  • Allow the user to switch datasets
  • Allow the user to enter different column addresses for the fields of data
  • Modularize code
  • Comment code
  • For any query, display the fraction of votes as a bar graph (composed of asterisks) as a function of the votes and the mode that the user has selected (so if the user is in state mode, display the number of votes for each state as a bar graph)


I’ve completed the majority of the tasks. All that remains is to modularize and comment the code. One challenge I ran into during this last portion of the project was randomizing the Excel data. I didn’t want to use arbitrary numbers because that wouldn’t be representative of actual votes cast. So searched online and found a few Excel functions that allowed me to do so. I made three fake datasets using the method I found.

Here is the link to my github repo.

I like to play tennis and run. Find Navaneet Galagali on Twitter, Github, and on the web.