meetup experiences

by Erica Brody

15 Apr 2016

On Monday, March 21 I attended the Durham project night of the Triangle Python Users group. This is a monthly event in Durham (and in other parts of the triangle during other weeks of each month) during which individuals coding in Python to work on projects or offer their assistance to those working on project. There were approximately twenty people in attendance (including 3 other INLS 560-ers).

I am thinking about possibly learning and using Django, a web framework that uses Python, to collect and analyze my thesis data. So, when I met Charlotte at the meetup, who is using Django to create a web application, I asked to sit down with her and view her project as she worked. Charlotte generously walked me through her code, and I learned about various libraries available in Python, including a Django library, and Numpy and Scipy with tools for data analysis. I also learned about where I could post my Django application on the internet. Most importantly, I learned that a group called, Django Girls RTP is offering a free full-day workshop in May to teach Django to women who have not used it before. So I have applied to take this course – which is available as an online course to folks who may not want to spend a whole Saturday learning Django.

On Thursday, April 7, I attended a meeting of Ladies that Ux in Durham. I attended this group because I am also taking INLS 718- User Interface Design this semester. The focus of this meet up was to network among women working in and aspiring to work in user experience. Specifically, the organizers requested that attendees group up by job type with the goal of exchanging contact information and maintaining these subgroups after the meeting for networking about jobs, etc.

I learned that the job title, Ux designer, is a vague term that encompasses a variety of types of work: application designer, research, usability testing, product management, content strategy, and probably other work. With the exception of very large companies, like Citibank and Facebook, few companies maintain a team of ux designers. So most folks in this industry work as independent consultants or have jobs with agencies and typically switch back and forth between these two types of employment through their careers. If I decide to pursue a career in ux, I would definitely attend more programs organized by this group.

I am a library science student, focused on health information. I am dabbling in information science this semester. Find Erica Brody on Twitter, Github, and on the web.