Lingjie's Project Update & Stand-up Report 3

by Lingjie Wang

25 Apr 2016

github link:

Reflection: I’ve worked hard in the weekend and I’ve almost completed the project except for some possible refinement on the structure & display. I planned to give users two options for either displaying detailed data rows or presenting rankings based on their interests, and then I decided to add the visualization part. Currently my program will give users three options: viewing ranking of countries on their medal amounts by year/sport/gender/medal type, or selecting different filters from year/city/sport/discipline/event/gender/medal and viewing selected data rows, or viewing visualizations including line graph to compare two countries on medal amount by medal type over history, and bar chart to view top 10 countries ranked according to the amount of medals by medal type and year.

I’ve definitely learned a lot during the process, and I think there’s still much more to explore, as I’m not that familiar with importing outside packages, and the structure of my program is still “lengthy” and not that efficient. I hope to improve it after learning more algorithms and methods.

Updated milestones:

For last Tuesday:

  • Import two csv files into Cloud9 and PyCharm
  • Read files correctly
  • Create combinations of lists and dictionaries for extracting data from the dataset and storing it in a well-structured format
  • Clean Data and make sure the elements of lines_table is orgnized
  • Write function to ask user for filename and open/read it

For last Thursday:

  • Create dictionary of dictionary for different sports types
  • Write code to handle user’s bad input
  • Set up basic display of data file opened
  • Display explanatory features(data type, format, value) of the dataset selected by the user, such as the range of years included, the total numbers of countries, sports, disciplines and events involved, etc.
  • Write code to allow users select one or more specific filters
  • Use loops to allow users re-start selecting filters
  • Display original instructions for users, including types of data/visualizations can be selected to view

For Tuesday:

  • Write help instructions
  • Display original instructions for users, including types of data/visualizations can be selected to view
  • Write functions to calculate and display statistical features such as country with most medals, etc
  • Create functions or import packages to create different types of visualizations (bar/line charts, scatter plots, etc)

For Thursday:

  • Refinement on code

Stretch Goals:

  • Create class to simplify program
Lingjie Wang is a first year master student studying Statistics and Operations Research Find Lingjie Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.