Javairia's Drawing App

by Javairia Warrich

24 Feb 2016

Here is the App:

Milestones: - [x] Create two images that the user can choose from (possibly UNC themed) - [x] The choice that is clicked on is expanded into a bigger version - [x] Have different colors ready for the user to choose - [x] User is able to choose a specific color - [x] Area on picture is filled by the color


App Description: The user is able to first click on a theme, Old Well or Bell Tower. Once the theme is chosen, the app draws that picture. Once the picture is loaded, the user can begin to color. Although it takes a while and is not the neatest, the user can color the picture. The user can change the color by pressing “c”. I got this idea from one of the videos that we had to watch. Once the color is to the users liking, they can begin clicking/coloring again.

Although this project took a lot of time, and my finished product isn’t exactly what I wanted, I could definitely see the progress that I have made in this class through my app. When I ran into problems, I thought back to things that we discussed in class. I was able to use topics discussed in class by other students along with our previous turtle/book exercises to help me when I ran into a problem. There are a few things that I want to change in my drawing app, but it does what I initially planned it to do.

Something that I could not get to work was picking up the pen when changing areas of coloring. The turtle drags on each click so the drawing is a little messy. I think with a little more time, I could probably figure it out. Having the milestones really helped throughout the whole process. It allowed me to focus on one task at a time and not be overwhelmed.

Javairia is a Junior majoring in Information Science at UNC Chapel Hill. Her hobbies include watching sports (Go Panthers!) and reading. Find Javairia Warrich on Twitter, Github, and on the web.