I don’t really have a clear vision for what I would like my game to look like yet. I think that it would be really cool to have a game where I have my turtle move around the screen and eat the “objects” on it. I would like my turtle to grow longer or somehow have these “objects” trail behind them to make a tail, but I’m concerned that this might be too out of my league. I think that what I’ll do first is have the turtle have to move around the different objects on the screen to collect coins (if I can figure out how the image import works I could do food), and if I accomplish my basic milestones, I can add the tail to my turtle.
Necessary Milestones:
- Allow user to select which character they want
- Allow character selection to occur by clicking on screen
- Allow the character to respond to key input for movement
- Allow the user to win
- Indicate winning by having the turtle write it on the screen or playing animation
- Keep track of how much the turtle has “eaten” by displaying the number on the screen
Optional Milestones:
- Allow the user to start from scratch
- Add the objects that the turtle has eaten to be added to the chain that follows the turtle
Stretch Milestones:
- If the turtle runs into its own chain then a lose screen appears