James Moore Chapter Four Exercises

by James Moore

27 Jan 2016

Exercise 6:

Exercise 7:


I felt like these exercises were pretty simple and straightforward. Basically all we had to do was add a couple lines of code to define and execute the functions described in the instructions. But despite the simplicity of the exercises, they actually helped me identify a major computation error in a prior iteration of my overtime wage program. In the first version of my overtime wage program, I had used this forumal to compute the overtime pay: pay = (hours * rate) + ((hours-40) * (rate * overtime_rate)). But as you can see, and as I realized as this assignment forced me to look over the code again, this formula is wrong, because the first operand “hours * rate” ends up multiplying every hour by the regular rate, including the overtime ones, giving me an inflated result. So to fix this, I changed the formula to read: pay = 40 * rate ((hours-40) * (rate * overtime_rate)) so only hours 1-40 get multiplied by the regular rate. I hope the exercises in the future continue to build upon prior exercises.

Hi my name is James. I'm a 1st year Masters student. Find James Moore on Twitter, Github, and on the web.