James Game App Milestones

by James Moore

02 Mar 2016

-[] Use a custom class (pass in coordinates, variables, whatever) -[] Use custom methods with those custom class -[] Create screen. -[] Fullfill all assignment requirements. -[] Include both key and click events. -[] Have a .congratulate() that appears when the user wins. -[] Have a turtle .write() game instructions to the screen -[] Use a custom turtles to display information to the user -[] Just have good user feedback -[] Try to implement a loop. -[] Have a turtle that is controlled by the user’s arrow key. -[] Have a turtle that moves independently of user input. This may be something which the user has to dodge. -[] Have a turtle that moves based off of for loop to obtain constant motion. -[] Put in condition that prevents infinite loop. -[] Have an event triggered when the user controlled turtle intersects with the independtly moving turtle. -[] Use a method that I have never used before (perhaps .seth() or .towards()) -[] Have an option to reset the game to it’s “starting” state. -[] Comment on every class and method. • Stretch milestones -[] Have there be different levels. Higher the level, the more stuff (turtles) the user has to dodge -[] Include a story -[] Have a “collecting coins” aspect

Hi my name is James. I'm a 1st year Masters student. Find James Moore on Twitter, Github, and on the web.