First Meet-Up

by JayYang95

28 Apr 2016

On Wednesday, April 13, I went to a TriPython meetup at the Europa center with William and saw quite a few other classmates there. To my surprise, the people who attended the meeting, apart from our class members, were mostly older adults. For the most part it seemed that this particular meet-up was just people openly discussing with each other the things they were working on instead of everyone listening to one speaker or something like that. It was intimidating at first since they obviously had a lot more knowledge about coding than I do, so I mainly stuck with our class members. However, the organizer of the meeting was very friendly and encouraged us to continue coming to these meetings. Despite the fact that I didn’t do much talking to people that I didn’t know during this first meetup, I honestly can say that I enjoyed it and am highly considering frequenting these meetings in the future and (hopefully) getting acquainted with the attendees so that I can build my knowledge of coding as well as develop important social skills.

Here's a little about JayYang95 Find JayYang95 on Twitter, Github, and on the web.