Ga Kay's Drawing App Peer Review & Self Reflection

by Ga Kay Gao

29 Feb 2016

This drawing app completes all of the requirements of the assignment. Without actually testing it and just looking at the interface once I click run, everything is very readable and easy to understand. In terms of the actual code, the modules he added helped make the code easier to follow and understand. He commented his code very well which really helps when trying to read through the code.

When messing around with the drawing app, it seems to run very smooth. I particularly liked how his stars turned out. They are the more rounded stars which sets them apart from the typical sharp-edged stars most people draw. The only bug that I could find is if you quickly click at different locations, it messed up the screen by drawing weird shapes. I am not sure if it would work with this drawing app, but maybe using the tracer function would help with that.

In terms of his milestones, there were all clearly stated and were definitely achievable goals. His milestones were sufficient enough to satisfy the requirements of this project. I liked how there were optional goals. When working on a project or assignment like this, I think it is good to reach beyond what you think you can do. It gives you something good to work towards, and if you do not have the time to get there, then it isn’t too big of an issue. When looking at the development of the milestones, some of the milestones labeled as “specific” were moved to the “optional” milestones. I have definitely worked on projects where an original required personal goal switched to a more optional, stretch goal. Whenever you work on project, your intended goals definitely change the more you work on a project. From my experience with my own drawing app, I had my initial vision of what I wanted my drawing app to look like. The more I worked on the project, I saw what types of things worked and what types of things didn’t work which led me to change my goals a bit.

I feel like we both approached the drawing app project in similar ways. From looking at the reflection, we would both get stuck on something and have to either drop it or tweak it a bit to work with what we had. There were things about our projects that we were both happy and unhappy about, but given the fact that we only had a week to complete this project, I think it is expected to be unhappy with certain parts of your finished product. There were a lot of things that I liked about this drawing app project. I liked how everything was neatly contained at the bar at the top, and I feel like it does a good job of keeping track on what the current mode is. I also liked how you can change the width of the pen, too. For my drawing app, I didn’t really mess with the width, but this drawing app does a good job at utilizing that functionality. I feel like this drawing project runs a lot smoother and better than my own. I know for my project, I still had a few bugs that I couldn’t quite figure out how to fix. Overall, I think this drawing app project did a great job at satisfying the requirements and is a fun app for the user to play around with.

Ga Kay is currently a sophomore studying Information Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Find Ga Kay Gao on Twitter, Github, and on the web.