Colin's Game Milestones

by Colin Nickels

02 Mar 2016

Here are the Milestones for my game sketch:

  • [ ] Make a function that spawns turtles in random locations

  • [ ] Make a custom turtle class that has a default color and shape

  • [ ] Make a function that checks if two turtles are touching

  • [ ] Make a function that turns a turtle when it collides with a boundary or another turtle

  • [ ] Make a functiont that governs turtle movement such that: turtle move as a function of time, and they bounce off walls

  • [ ] Make a function that sets up the play space with walls (visible to the player)

  • [ ] Make a function that allows user to reset and start over

  • [ ] Make a function that sets a score as a function of time and number of turtles

  • [ ] Make a function that displays a message when player turtle collides with other turtle

  • [ ] Make a function that allows the user tomove the turtle using keys

  • [ ] Make a function that explains goals and only runs once

  • [ ] Make a function that randomly changes the background color as a function of time

  • [ ] Make a function that generates turtles as a function of time

  • [ ] Make a function that changes the player turtles sprite when they collide with another turtle

  • [ ] Make a turtle counter

  • [ ] Find and use 6 different enemy sprites.

Stretch Goals:

  • [ ] Make a mode of this game that creates a turtle that has to be caught

  • [ ] Make a function that generates turtles on click

Here’s what I am thinking:

The player controls a turtle with a custom image for it’s shape and moves it around the screen avoiding colliding with other turtles. The player gets more points the longer he survives. This is super ambitious for me. But I am pretty sure we know everything we need to know to accomplish this.

Is a first year SILS student with a focus on users, technology, and libraries Find Colin Nickels on Twitter, Github, and on the web.