Colin's Third Standup Report

by Colin Nickels

25 Apr 2016

Here’s my latest commit.

Tuesday’s Milestones:

  • Build a menu that asks what kind of analysis to perform on the data set
  • Create a function that finds the largest value in a collumn in list of lists
  • Create a function that averages the values in a collumn in a list of lists
  • Create a function that shows the top five most common items in a list of lists using a dictionary and counting frequency
  • Create a function that prints a horizontal bar chart of the top five items – See above milestone
  • Create a function that finds the largest value and returns the row that contains the value
  • Create a function that returns a key value pair that have the highest count.

and my new stretch goal:

  • Create a function that saves the data the user requests into a dictonary file.

I accomplished all of my objectives for Tuesday except my stretch goal. But I did accomplish a smaller version of an earlier stretch goal. I built in a data call to a geolocating api that guesses where the best customer is based. Originally I wanted to map these locations, but I was unable to get to launch a web browser (or at least one that was capable of rendering a Google map) or import selenium. I even tried installing Firefox in my c9 instance, but I wouldn’t get it to launch (no x11 support or something). But I was able to get the location data and present it to the user. So that’s cool.

For Friday

If I have any more time to work on this, I really do want to build a way to assemble a report. Unfortunately, I have too many other calls on my time to guarantee I can get this done.

Is a first year SILS student with a focus on users, technology, and libraries Find Colin Nickels on Twitter, Github, and on the web.