Here's the first exercise:
fruit = input("Please name a fruit")
index = len(fruit) -1
while index > -1 :
letter = fruit[index]
index = index - 1
Here's the second:
def counter (word, char) :
count = 0
for letter in word:
if letter == char:
count = count + 1
counter(\'mmmmmmmm\', \'m\')
These were pretty straigtforward and followed examples in the chapter pretty closely making it easy to start with some example code and adapt it.
Here's the third:
string = "banana"
Here's the fourth:
str1 = \'X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.8475\'
atpos = str1.find(\':\')
sppos = len(str1)
print(atpos, sppos)
fnum = str1[atpos+1:sppos]
print (fnum)