Ga Kay's Clicky Turtle Exercise

by Ga Kay Gao

01 Feb 2016

My Clicky Turtle:

Reflection: At first, it was a little difficult coming up with a good idea, and then I thought about doing an interactive drawing program where the user can click on a location and type in the shape they want to draw. At first, I had all of the code to draw the shapes outside of my clicky function, but I decided that it would be better to have it within the actual function. The only issue I ran into was the fact that every time you clicked somewhere, I had a message pop up asking the user what shape they wanted even if they didn’t type in anything yet. To fix this, I just removed the message and made the instructions more detailed for the users. I thought this assignment helped me understand functions better, and I thought the use of the setup function was very useful.

Ga Kay is currently a sophomore studying Information Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Find Ga Kay Gao on Twitter, Github, and on the web.