Ga Kay's Chapter 5 Loops Exercises

by Ga Kay Gao

03 Feb 2016

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Reflection: Overall, I didn’t think these exercises were too bad. The main difficulty of this assignment was making sure my logic was correct otherwise the loop wouldn’t work. One issue I did run into was with the min and max for exercise 2. At first, I intialized the variables to be equal to 0. I didn’t notice the problem at first with the max but I did with the min. I had an if statement that said if the user input was less than the min, change the min to the user input. A lot of times, I didn’t put in a number less than 0 so the min never changed. I used some resources online and found that I could intialize the variables with “None”, and I was able to resolve my issue.

Ga Kay is currently a sophomore studying Information Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Find Ga Kay Gao on Twitter, Github, and on the web.