Becca's Second Meet-Up Reflection

by Becca Greenstein

21 Apr 2016

I went to Durham Project Night at Caktus Group on Monday evening. There were three people other than 560 classmates in attendance. When I got there (a bit late), the attendees were all sitting around a table typing silently on their computers. This didn’t change for the rest of the meeting. I felt weird asking a non-560 attendee for Python help, even though it might have been worthwhile, since no one else was talking. At one point, someone left and said goodbye, and another person offered to turn the lights on when it got dark outside.

Right before I left, the non-560 person next to me asked why I was there, as a group of us seemed to know each other. I explained that we’re students at UNC-Chapel Hill taking a class together, and one requirement is attending two in-person meet-ups, and we talked for a few minutes. I suppose I could have asked for help at that point, but my brain had started to hurt, so I didn’t.

Overall, I learned less at this meet-up than at the other one I attended. I am glad I went though, since it provided an environment to work on coding specifically.

Becca is a second-semester MSLS student in SILS. She likes science, words, the outdoors, and helping people. Find Becca Greenstein on Twitter, Github, and on the web.