Becca's Drawing App

by Becca Greenstein

24 Feb 2016

Here is my Trinket:

Here is my list of milestones from last week, with an x in each box that I think I completed successfully:

  • will not type - graphical interface only
  • can select drawing mode (program changes) using clicks and/or keys
  • can see current mode
  • can choose and draw shapes, lines, and colors
  • can clear drawing and start over
  • uses custom modules
  • uses custom functions
  • uses definite loops
  • uses multiple turtles
  • uses a named Screen object
  • is creative
  • runs without errors
  • is well-commented
  • is well-organized and readable

Here is my reflection:

I’m going to organize this based on the list of things I wanted to fix from last time, and then something else that I thought of at the end.

Thing 1: I wanted the user to be able to control Fleur’s color. I both did this and ended up changing her entire mode a lot. Now, the maze is preset and the user moves the turtle through the maze. My original plan was to do this, but after I’d made Hagrid’s mode and started on Fleur’s, I clicked in Fleur’s mode and the trees from Hagrid’s would appear. I thus gave her multiple clicky functions, instead of just the “Clear” one (which would have fixed the problem, although I didn’t know this at the time). The maze pieces were weird, and it was hard to put them in a consistent, maze-like pattern. I like its current state a lot more than the pieces.

Thing 2: I wanted to clean up my helper turtles code and the general look of the code. I tried making separate functions for each turtle use (i.e. Gabrielle, Fleur’s text, and the maze all had their own function), but then I got a blank screen. So now the helper turtle code is grouped together in each mode, before the main turtle is called. I also added a lot of comments, which will hopefully help with readability.

Thing 3: I wanted to be able to make Fleur move in the maze using the arrow keys. This works. I can (usually) make her move so as to avoid the hedges.

Thing 4: I wanted to make the orientation of Madam Pince’s books consistent - they had been mirror images previously. This required making her doing a 180 at the end of each book function. To fix this, I commented out the corresponding tracer and update code and added a show.turtle so I could see where she was moving. I used this technique a fair amount to debug throughout this project.

Also: The one thing that I am annoyed about is the clear functions. The main turtle draws and clears the drawing when the user clicks the clear button. The helper turtle text (H = Hagrid Mode, F = Fleur Mode, and P = Madam Pince Mode) is supposed to go away once the user switches mode, based on the code in the change_mode() function, but this isn’t happening. I added text to the instructions at the bottom of the screen in each mode telling the user to clear the screen before switching modes. I need the helper turtle text to stay after the drawing is cleared so the user knows which keys to press. I can’t revert to a universal set-up function because I indicate with colored text which mode the user is currently in. One way to rectify this is to completely redo the interface, but that would be a bit of a headache. The program works, so I think I can stop.

Becca is a second-semester MSLS student in SILS. She likes science, words, the outdoors, and helping people. Find Becca Greenstein on Twitter, Github, and on the web.