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Florida and UNC in the NCAA Tournament

by Julie Seifert and Madeline Coven

19 Mar 2014

Madeline & I worked together on the NCAA pages for UNC and Florida. Here are our pull requests:

The hardest part about working together was that Nitrous wouldn't work. Other than that, it was pretty easy to work together. It was easy to see the changes in Git, and everything changed instanteously. I could see any changes Madeline made immediately. It was also nice to be able to see everything she had done in GitHub.

Madeline says she was confused about the part after committing the changes.

At first I didn't really understand why we didn't just edit the UNC file that was in the East folder, for example, instead of making a branch just for UNC. But I guess this is to get us practice with more complicated projects, where we would be doing more complicated things than just adding NCAA stats. Also, it helped us to be able to review the changes the other person made before committing them back to the main branch, and I can see how that would be useful in a "real" project.

Julie Seifert is a second year MSLS student. She is from Tampa, Florida and enjoys kayaking and other water sports. Find Julie Seifert on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
Madeline is a second-year MSIS student. She enjoys data visualizations and information design. Find Madeline Coven on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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