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NCAA partner activity

by Katie Meyer and Laura Ashcraft

19 Mar 2014

Katie (Louisville) and Laura (Kentucky)

We each cloned the original NCAA repo, and each created a file for the other's team on a branch with the team's name. We pushed the branches to the silshack repo, then each pulled down our respective teams' branches. We had a bit of difficulty finding the stats we needed, but with ESPN and Wikipedia we eventually tracked them down. Then we each pushed our changed files with the new stats to GitHub, submitted our pull requests for our branches, and then checked & merged each other's requests.

Louisville pull request

Kentucky pull request

Katie is a first year MSIS student from Raleigh NC. She's also a Web UI Developer at IBM. Find Katie Meyer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
Laura is a first year MLS student. She is from Long Beach, California. She likes learning new things. Find Laura Ashcraft on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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