I added an About me page to Heroku simple blog at the link: http://silshack-sunhwa.herokuapp.com/about.html In order to create the new about template, I first copied codes from 404.html and inserted About in the heading and added one sentence as shown below.
% extends "layout.html" %
% block title %<title> config.BLOG_TITLE /title>% endblock %
% block content %
<p>This is the about me page! I am Sunhwa!</p>
<p><a href=" url_for('index') ">Return to the index</a></p>
% endblock %
Then, I copied one of the functions in simple.py and simply modified it to create a new function called About_me for the new template to be rendered correctly.
def about_me():
return render_template("about.html", now=datetime.datetime.now())
Lastly, I added about.html in the layout.html in order for it to be displayed as one of the side bar link.
<li><p><a href="about.html">About Me</a></p></li>
% if config.GITHUB_USERNAME %
<li><p><a href="https://github.com/ config.GITHUB_USERNAME /">Github</a></p></li>