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Simple blog About page

by Katie Meyer

26 Feb 2014

I've added an About page with a link in the left sidebar:

That just required creating a new decorator pointing to /about & a new about() function in

def about():
    """ About page """
    return render_template("about.html", 

Then creating a new template called about.html:

{% extends %}

{% block title %}<title>{{config.BLOG_TITLE }}</title>{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<h2>About me</h2>
<p>Reprehenderit yr wayfarers bicycle rights sunt, leggings asymmetrical Truffaut et bespoke do. 
  Disrupt Austin wolf put a bird on it deserunt salvia. Keytar selvage direct trade semiotics gastropub, 
  bespoke Shoreditch forage synth. Chillwave do biodiesel gentrify eiusmod, YOLO typewriter Pitchfork. 
  Et quinoa Schlitz, adipisicing enim single-origin coffee hoodie next level iPhone. +1 kale chips 
  gastropub farm-to-table 90s, drinking vinegar deserunt pickled readymade banh mi mlkshk vero. 
  Bespoke semiotics consequat Helvetica asymmetrical bicycle rights.</p>
<p>PBR you probably havent heard of them vero cornhole selvage XOXO. Organic swag esse tattooed officia. 
  Stumptown qui aliqua, put a bird on it incididunt McSweeney chillwave nisi nihil pour-over trust fund fixie. 
  Cliche Thundercats authentic keytar chambray kale chips. Hoodie XOXO incididunt. 
  Gentrify flexitarian pop-up, banjo Blue Bottle dreamcatcher sapiente Pinterest typewriter retro. 
  McSweeney Helvetica tousled, bicycle rights commodo gastropub umami hella locavore VHS.</p>
{% endblock %}

And finally, adding a link to the page in the left sidebar in layout.html:

   <li><p><a href="about">About me</a></p></li>
Katie is a first year MSIS student from Raleigh NC. She's also a Web UI Developer at IBM. Find Katie Meyer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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