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Ethan's Simple Post

by Ethan Kavanaugh

23 Feb 2014

In class the other day, I didn't have any trouble really getting all of my code in. It all seemed to be working properly the other day. But once I sat down to do it this weekend, I couldn't figure it out. I had to try to remember how to do all of it again. After some time sitting and staring at the screen and watching the videos and reading, I finally remembered what needed to be done.

Here is the link to my post: It seems to be working just fine.

One thing I ran into trouble with, besides forgetting how to do it..., it didn't want to work. Like you said, the code wasn't working, so I had to go in and redo some of it. I also tried to get an image imbedded into the post. Yeah, couldn't figure that out either. So here is my boring post about what I do on Sunday's, becasue I'm very cool.

Well, that's it. babykav out.

Ethan is a senior BSIS student. Lover of bacon. Avid user of handrails. Find Ethan Kavanaugh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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