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Heroku Nitrous Sierra Post

by Sierra Moore

21 Feb 2014

Here is a link to my Heroku Blog:

The process of creating a Heroku blog seemed simple. Over time I became frustrated but I later realized that internet connectivity issues at UNC was causing the problem! After much refreshing, pulling, adding and typing incorrect commands--my blog appeared and it worked. Annoying, but worth it? Yes. And I do enjoy typing my posts in Nitrous instead of Github which requires an excessive about of committing. I always edit my work many times throughout the process and Github is not very friendly towards excessive editors.

Fortunately, being able to access Nitrous and Heroku on any computer saved the day when I was unable to use the internet on my mac. Thanks to help from Grant--I am done! I'd like to try creating more apps and see how they interact with one another. I do have a second app, but I'm not entirely certain how to use them together without confusing myself.

Sierra is a first year MSIS student Find Sierra Moore on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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