def lone_sum(a, b, c):
#first sign of green, brought to you by:
# lone_sum = int(a + b + c)
# return (a + b + c)
#then I worked on eliminating the variables that must be excluded, adding the "else" statement at the end:
lone_sum = int(a + b + c)
if a == b:
return (c)
if a == c:
return (b)
if b == c:
return (a)
return (a + b + c)
#that got me most of the way, with one red box left
#I got an error for (3,3,3) ->0, and had to go back to the beginning and insert:
lone_sum = int(a + b + c)
if (a == b) and (a == c):
return 0
if a == b:
return (c)
if a == c:
return (b)
if b == c:
return (a)
return (a + b + c)
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