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I'm the CodeBat

by Ethan Kavanaugh

09 Feb 2014

Alrighty, so here is the dealio. I have finished all of the Codebat exercises. It took me a while. Here are the three I have chosen.

Logic-1 near_ten

This one gave me a little trouble. I couldn't really figure out how to get the right functions to produce the outcome that I wanted. After playing around with it for a while, I figured it out. Here is my code. I think it works. ggggggggggggg

def near_ten(num):
   return (num % 10 == 0 or num % 10 == 1 or num % 10 == 2 or abs(10 - num %  10) == 2 or abs(10 - num % 10) == 1 or abs (10 - num % 10) == 0)

String-1 left2

I decided to do this one becasue I am pretty sure I did it a completely different way than what they wanted me to, yet it still worked fine.

def left2(str):
   front = str[:2]
   end = str[2:]
   final = end + front
   return final

Warmup-1 front_back

I decided to use this one becasue I had a little trouble with the finding the middle part.

def front_back(str):
   if len(str) <= 1:
      return str
   middle = str[1:len(str)-1]
   return str[len(str)-1] + middle + str[0]


here are the screenshots of the completed exercises.

Imgur Imgur Imgur Imgur


I didn't think it was bad. It just took some time. All the coding was short.

So, yeah, here it is.

babykav out.

Ethan is a senior BSIS student. Lover of bacon. Avid user of handrails. Find Ethan Kavanaugh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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