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yonghao's comments about interesting exercise

by Yonghao Yu

05 Feb 2014


The program should return a new string where the first and last chars have been exchanged. At first, I write code like this:

return str[len(str)-1] + str_1+ str[0]

But an error came out which says "array out of index". Then I try to figure why it is out of index. Finally, I found I fotgot the situation in which the length of string is less than 2, then str[1:len(str)-1] will return an error So I change my code like this:

if len(str)<=1:
  return str
 return str[len(str)-1] + str_1+ str[0]

It works!! Yeaaaaah!

Warmup 1 pos_neg

Just a simple idea: I use multiply to judge if a and b are negative. Since if a*b<0, then one is negative and one is not.

My code is here:

def pos_neg(a, b, negative):
  if negative==False and mul<0:
    return True
  elif mul>0 and a<0 and negative:
    return True
  return False


It's a simple exercise but I have an idea to make the if condition easier! My code is here:

def caught_speeding(speed, is_birthday):
  if is_birthday:
  if speed<=60+plus_speed:
   return 0
  elif speed<=80+plus_speed:
   return 1
   return 2

I added a "plus_speed" which equals either 0 or 5. Then when I judge the range of speed, I just need the sum of plus_speed and max_speed(60 or 80) It's a simple idea but I feel it saves me some time.


My code is here:

def near_ten(num):
  if num%10<=2 or 10-num%10<=2:
   return True
  return False

At first I forgot the situation 10-num%10<=2, then the program will return false even it's 19,or 58.

yonghao is a second year graduate year of SILS student. He is from China. Find Yonghao Yu on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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