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Sierra's String and List Exercises

by Sierra Moore

31 Jan 2014

Here are the string and list exercises.


6 Write a function that reverses its string argument.

from test import testEqual
def reverse(astring):
    # your code here
    bstring= ""
    for i in xrange(len(astring) -1, -1, -1):
        bstring = bstring + astring[i]
    return bstring

testEqual(reverse("kittens"), "snettik")
testEqual(reverse("Lilly"), "ylliL")

result: Pass Pass Pass

7 Write a function that mirrors its argument.

from test import testEqual

def reverse(mystr):
    reversed = ''
    for char in mystr:
        reversed = char + reversed
    return reversed

def mirror(mystr):
    return mystr + reverse(mystr)

testEqual(mirror(''), '')

result: Pass Pass Pass Pass

11 Write a function that removes the first occurrence of a string from another string.

from test import testEqual

def remove(substr,theStr):
    index = theStr.index(substr)
    if index < 0: # substr doesn't exist in theStr
        return theStr
    return_str = theStr[:index] + theStr[index+len(substr):]
    return return_str

testEqual(remove('an', 'banana'),'bana')
testEqual(remove('cyc', 'bicycle'), 'bile')
testEqual(remove('iss', 'Mississippi'), 'Missippi')
testEqual(remove('egg', 'bicycle'), 'bicycle')

result: Pass Pass Pass Pass 12 Write a function that removes all occurrences of a string from another string.

from test import testEqual

def remove(substr,theStr):
    # your code here
    index = theStr.find(substr)
    if index < 0:
        return theStr
    return theStr[:index] + theStr[index + len(substr):]

testEqual(remove('an', 'banana'),'bana')
testEqual(remove('cyc', 'bicycle'), 'bile')
testEqual(remove('iss', 'Mississippi'), 'Missippi')
testEqual(remove('egg', 'bicycle'), 'bicycle')

result: Pass Pass Pass Pass


7 Write a function to count how many odd numbers are in a list

def odd_count(lemo):
    number = 0
    for o in lemo:
        if o%4 ==4:
            number +=1
    return number
print ( "odd # in (0,8,5,10,2)'s number is :", odd_count([0,8,5,10,2]))

result: ("odd # in (0,8,5,10,2)'s number is :", 0) 8 Sum up all of the even numbers in a list

def even_sum(list):
    sum = 0
    for i in list:
        if i%2 == 0:
            sum += i
    return sum

print ("even sum in 8 1 7 5 8:", even_sum([8,1,7,5,8]))

result: ('even sum in 8 1 7 5 8:', 16)

9 Sum up all of the negative numbers in a list:

def negative_sum(list):
    sum = 0
    for i in list:
        if i < 0:
            sum += i
    return sum

print ("negative sum in -10 -7 3 23 60:", negative_sum([-10,-7,3,23,60]))

result: ('negative sum in -10 -7 3 23 60:', -17)

14 Write a function replace(s, old, new) that replaces all occurences of old with newin a string s:

from test import testEqual
def replace(s, old, new):
    wds = s.split(old)
    glue = new
    new = glue.join(wds)
    return new

testEqual(replace('Mississippi', 'i', 'I'), 'MIssIssIppI')

s = 'I love spom!  Spom is my favorite food.  Spom, spom, spom, yum!'
testEqual(replace(s, 'om', 'am'),
       'I love spam!  Spam is my favorite food.  Spam, spam, spam, yum!')

testEqual(replace(s, 'o', 'a'),

       'I love spam!  Spam is my favarite faad.  Spam, spam, spam, yum!')


Sierra is a first year MSIS student Find Sierra Moore on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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