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Strings & Lists Exercises

by Jacob Hill

31 Jan 2014

Python String Exercises

String Exercise 6

def reverse(astring):
    bstring = astring[::-1]
    return bstring

print(reverse("chicken"), )

String Exercise 7

def reverse(astring):
    bstring = astring[::-1]
    return bstring

def mirror(astring):
    bstring = astring[::-1]
    return astring + bstring

print(mirror("good"), )

String Exercise 11

def remove(sub_str, the_str):
    find = the_str.find(sub_str)
        if find < 0: # the string isn't found
            return the_str
    return_str = the_str[:find] + the_str[find + len(sub_str):]
    return return_str

print(remove('an', 'banana'), )

String Exercise 12

sentence = "This is a practice sentence."
remove_list = ['practice']
word_list = sentence.split()
print(' '.join([i for i in word_list if i not in remove_list]))

Python List Exercises

List Exercise 7

def odd_count(number):
    # make a counting variable
    count_total = 0
    # is it odd?
    for i in number:
        if i % 2 == 1:
            count_total += 1

    return count_total


List Exercise 8

def even_sum(number):
    # make a counting variable
    count_total = 0
    # is it even?
    for i in number:
        if i % 2 == 0:
            count_total = count_total + i
    return count_total


List Exercise 9

def neg_sum(number):
    # make a counting variable
    count_total = 0
    # is it negative?
    for i in number:
        if i < 0:
            count_total = count_total + i
    return count_total


List Exercise 14

def replace_word(a_text, old, new):
    a_text = a_text.replace(old, new)
    return a_text

print(replace_word("this is a test script.", "test", "working"))
Jacob is a second year PhD student. His research is in the area of digital humanities and Middle East studies. Find Jacob Hill on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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