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Lei Wang's Python Basics

by Lei Wang

24 Jan 2014

by Lei Wang

1.Take the sentence: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Store each word in a separate variable, then print out the sentence on one line using print.


word1 = "All"
word2 = "work"
word3 = "and"
word4 = "no"
word5 = "play"
word6 = "makes"
word7 = "Jack"
word8 = "a"
word9 = "dull"
word10 = "boy."

print word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7, word8, word9, word10


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

2.A program that will compute MPG for a car. Prompt the user to enter the number of miles driven and the number of gallons used. Print a nice message with the answer. For stye points, cue the message printed off of how efficient (or not) the car is.


mile = int(raw_input("Please enter the number of miles driven?"))
gallon = int(raw_input("Please enter the number of gallons used?"))

mpg = mile / gallon

print "You entered miles: ", mile
print "You entered gallons: ", gallon
print "The mpg: ", mpg
if mpg > 25:
    print "Congratuation, you got a efficient car!"
    print "Your car is not a efficient car!"


You entered miles:  150
You entered gallons:  5
The mpg:  30.0
Congratuation, you got a efficient car!

3. A program that will convert a user-input number of degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit.


deg_c = int(input("What is the temperature in Celsius? "))

# formula to convert C to F is: (degrees Celcius) times (9/5) plus (32)
deg_f = deg_c * (9 / 5) + 32

print (deg_c, "degrees Celsius is", deg_f, "degrees Farenheit.")


15 degrees Celsius is 59 degrees Farenheit.

4.A program that will convert a user-input number of degrees degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius.


deg_f = int(input("What is the temperature in Farenheit? "))

deg_c= (deg_f - 32)/ 1.8

print (deg_f, "degrees Farenheit is", deg_c, "degrees Celsius.")


59 degrees Farenheit is 15 degrees Celsius.

5.A program that will convert degrees or celsius as above, depending on the users' choice.


flag = raw_input('If convert C to F, please enter "y", if convert F to C, please enter"n".')
if flag == "y":
    deg_c = int(input("What is the temperature in Celsius? "))

# formula to convert C to F is: (degrees Celcius) times (9/5) plus (32)
    deg_f = deg_c * (9 / 5) + 32

    print deg_c, "degrees Celsius is", deg_f, "degrees Farenheit."
elif flag == "n":
    deg_f = int(input("What is the temperature in Farenheit? "))

    deg_c= (deg_f - 32)/ 1.8

    print deg_f, "degrees Farenheit is", deg_c, "degrees Celsius."
else :
    print "Wrong Input"


If you enter y and the temperature in Celsius:

15 degrees Celsius is 59 degrees Farenheit.

If you enter y and the temperature in Farenheit:

59 degrees Farenheit is 15 degrees Celsius.

If you enter other characters:

Wrong Input
Lei Wang is a second year MSIS student. Find Lei Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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