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Zach's Python Basics Exercise

by Zachary Williams

22 Jan 2014

Alrighty. Here's my code for Exercise 1. It's probably more complicated than it needs to be, but it is easily modifiable for different sentences. I used an array for the words, and then processed them to add spaces at the end, except for the final word which gets a period.

swag = ["All", "work", "and", "no", "play", "makes", "Jack", "a", "dull", "boy"]
string = ""
for w in swag:
    string += w
    if(swag.index(w) != len(swag) - 1):
        string += " "
        string += "."   
print string

Exercise 2 was a cinch. Just calculaing miles per gallon.

miles = int(raw_input("How many miles did you drive?"))
gallons = int(raw_input("How many gallons of gas did you use?"))
mpg = miles / gallons
print "You drove", miles, "miles and burned", gallons, "gallons of gasoline. Your MPG was", mpg, "."

Exercise 3: converting Celsius to Fahrenheit.

celsius = float(raw_input("Convert how many degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?"))
fahrenheit = float((celsius*1.8) + 32.0)
print "You entered", celsius, "degrees Celsius, which converts to ", fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit."

Exercise 4: converting Fahrenheit to Celsius.

fahrenheit = float(raw_input("Convert this many degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius!"))
celsius = float((fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0)
print "You entered", fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit, which converts to ", celsius, "degrees Celsius."

Exercise 5 accepts "C" or "F", regardless of case, and then converts the number you input to Celsius or Fahrenheit respectively.

tempScale = str(raw_input("Type 'C' to convert to Celsius, 'F' to convert to Fahrenheit."))
if tempScale == 'C' or tempScale == 'c':
    fahrenheit = float(raw_input("Convert this many degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius!"))
    celsius = float((fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0)
    print "You entered", fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit, which converts to ", celsius, "degrees Celsius."
elif tempScale == 'F' or tempScale == 'f':
    celsius = float(raw_input("Convert how many degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?"))
    fahrenheit = float((celsius*1.8) + 32.0)
    print "You entered", celsius, "degrees Celsius, which converts to ", fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit."
    print "You didn't follow instructions. Run the program and try again!"
Zach is a sophomore Information Science and Political Science double major at UNC. He hails from Fairfax, Virginia. Find Zachary Williams on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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