Here are my completed exercises with code.
I started working on some of these exercises after reading the chapters, so I was already a little ahead with these exercises. It was interesting to use the if function for the first time in a few of the exercises. I enjoy being able to customize the input and output a bit more.
Exercise 1
x = str("All")
y = str("work")
z = str("and")
c = str("no")
v = str("play")
b = str("makes")
n = str("Jack")
m = str("a")
s = str("dull")
d = str("boy")
print(x, y, z, c, v, b, n, m, s, d)
Exercise 2
miles = int(input("How many miles have you driven?"))
gallons = int(input("How many gallons have you used?"))
mpg = miles / gallons
print("Your car gets", mpg, "mpg highway")
if int(mpg) < 32: print("Based on an average of 32mpg being efficient, your car is not as efficient")
if int(mpg) >= 32: print("Based on an average of 32mpg being efficient, your car is efficient")
Input and Output:
Entered 250 miles and 25 gallons to get 10 mpg.
Exercise 3
celsius = int(input("What is the temperature in celsius?"))
fahrenheit = (celsius * (9/5)) + 32
print("The temperature in farenheiht is", int(fahrenheit))
Input and Output:
Entered 30 degrees celsius to get 86 degrees fahrenheit.
Exercise 4
faren = int(input("What is the temperature in fahrenheit?"))
celsius = (faren - 32) * (5/9)
print("The temperature in celsius is", int(celsius))
Input and Output:
Entered 86 degrees fahrenheit to get 30 degrees celsius.
Exercise 5
temperature = input("What would you like to convert to: celsius or fahrenheit")
if temperature == "celsius":
fahrenheit = int(input("What is the temperature in fahrenheit?"))
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9)
print("The temperature in celsius is", int(celsius))
if temperature == "fahrenheit":
celsius = int(input("What is the temperature in celsius?"))
fahrenheit = (celsius * (9/5)) + 32
print("The temperature in farenheiht is", int(fahrenheit))
Input and Output:
Entered celsius and then entered 86 degrees fahrenheit to get 30 degrees celsius.