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Chunxi's Basic Python

by Chunxi Zhang

22 Jan 2014

Post by Chunxi Zhang

Chunxi's Basic Python


word1 = "All"
word2 = "work"
word3 = "and"
word4 = "no"
word5 = "play"
word6 = "makes"
word7 = "Jack"
word8 = "a"
word9 = "dull"
word10 = "boy."

print(word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, word7, word8, word9, word10)

Here is the output.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


mile_number = int(raw_input("How many miles you have driven?"))
gallon_number = int(raw_input("How much gallons you have used"))
mgp = mile_number/gallon_number
print "The number of miles driven", mile_number
print "The number of gallons used", gallon_number
print "Your MGP is", mgp
if mgp < 22:
  print ("Your car is not efficient considering the MGP.")
  print ("Your car is efficient.")

Here is the output.

The number of miles driven 120
The number of gallons used 5
Your MGP is 24.0
Your car is efficient.


deg_c = int(input("What is the temperature in Celsius? "))

deg_f = deg_c * (9 / 5) + 32

print (deg_c, " degrees Celsius is", deg_f, " degrees Farenheit.")

Here is the output.

55  degrees Celsius is 131  degrees Farenheit.


deg_f = int(input("What is the temperature in Farenheit? "))

deg_c= (deg_f - 32)/ 1.8

print (deg_f, " degrees Farenheit is", deg_c, " degrees Celsius.")

Here is the output.

120  degrees Farenheit is 48.888888888888886  degrees Celsius.


flag = raw_input('If convert Celsius to Farenheit, please type "c", if convert Farenheit to Celsius, please type "f".')
if flag == "c":
    deg_c = int(input("What is the temperature in Celsius? "))
    deg_f = deg_c * (9 / 5) + 32
    print (deg_c, " degrees Celsius is", deg_f, " degrees Farenheit.")

elif flag == "f":
    deg_f = int(input("What is the temperature in Farenheit? "))
    deg_c= (deg_f - 32)/ 1.8
    print (deg_f, " degrees Farenheit is", deg_c, " degrees Celsius.")

else :
    print "wrong input"

Here are the different outputs when you type different things.

50  degrees Celsius is 122  degrees Farenheit.
50  degrees Farenheit is 10  degrees Celsius.
wrong input
Chunxi is a first year graduate year of SILS student. She is from China. Find Chunxi Zhang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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