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My Name Is Ethan and I like Turtles

by Ethan Kavanaugh

17 Jan 2014

Okay, well I'm done. Here are all of my posts.

first one

a = "All"
b = "work"
c = "and" 
d = "no" 
e = "play"
f = "makes" 
g = "Jack" 
h = "a"
i = "dull"
j = "boy" 

print a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j

this is the output

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

second one

miles = int(raw_input("how many miles have you driven?"))
gallons = int(raw_input("how many gallons have you used?"))
mpg = miles / gallons
print "Your car averaged ", mpg, " miles per gallon"

if mpg > 29:
    print "Your car get's pretty good mpg"
    print "You need to step up your mpg" 

I put in 40 for miles and 2 for gallons here is the output 1

Your car averaged  20  miles per gallon
You need to step up your mpg

I put in 60 for miles and 2 for gallons here is output 2

Your car averaged  30  miles per gallon
Your car get's pretty good mpg

third one

degrees C to F

dc = int(raw_input("Enter degrees Celcius"))
df = (dc * 1.8) + 32
print "It is ", df, " degrees Fahrenheit."

I put in 23. This is the output

It is  73.4  degrees Fahrenheit.

fourth one

degrees F to degrees C

df = int(raw_input("Enter degrees Fahrenheit"))
dc = (df - 32) / 1.8
print "It is ", dc, " degrees Celcius."

I put in 60. This is the output

It is  15.5555555556  degrees Celcius.

fifth one

degrees F or C conversion

degree = raw_input("If you want Degrees F to C, enter F. If you want Degrees C to F, enter C.")
if degree == "C":
    dc = int(raw_input("Enter degrees Celcius"))
    df = (dc * 1.8) + 32
    print "It is ", df, " degrees Fahrenheit."
    df = int(raw_input("Enter degrees Fahrenheit"))
    dc = (df - 32) / 1.8
    print "It is ", dc, " degrees Celcius."

I put in "C" and then 40. This is the output

It is  104.0  degrees Fahrenheit.

I put in "F" and then 56. This is the output

It is  13.3333333333  degrees Celcius.


I didn't really have any trouble with any of them until I got to the last one where the user got to chose. I didn't know how to make it to where the user got to chose if they wanted to convert a certain way. Once I figured out how to make it to where they could then I had to make sure they did the right thing and that took some trial and error. Other than that, I think it was all okay.

Okay, well that's it! babykav out.

Ethan is a senior BSIS student. Lover of bacon. Avid user of handrails. Find Ethan Kavanaugh on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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