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My Shiny New Jekyll Blog

by Caroline Pate

24 Oct 2013

Hey there! So here's how I setup my Jekyll blog. You can take a look at the real live thing at

I already had Jekyll installed, so I opened up a new terminal and typed jekyll new mysite. Then, I typed cd mysite to get into the folder for the site I just made. To make a repo of the site on github, I then typed git init to make a new repo. Github saw all the new Jekyll files, so I added them using git add . and them committed them with git commit. I then started to make sure that the _site/ folder was ignored using .gitignore, but apparently that was already taken care of. Awesome! Then I typed in jekyll serve --watch to check out my new site locally in a web browser. It looked pretty good so far, so I proceeded onto putting my new repo on I renamed the master branch to gh-pages by typing git branch -m master gh-pages I then logged into my account on and created a new repository by clicking the "New Repository" button in the upper right hand corner of the site (it looks like a little plus sign on a book). I named my shiny new repo mysite, just to make it simple. I then added the new repo as a remote by typing git remote add origin I pushed all the changes to my new repo with git push origin gh-pages All finished, right? Wrong! The path to the css files was all wrong, so the page looked very sad: Pretty, right?

We discovered in the next class that it was due to Github using the default baseurl, which broke a lot of the paths. We then had to add baseurl: /mysite in the config file and fix the css paths in the default html file in the layouts folder so that /fall2013 was in front of the css folder in the link to the stylesheets (like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/fall2013/css/main.css">). Much better! Much better!

The hard part was over, but I went back and changed the blog name in the config file, put a tiled background image in the main css as well as changed a couple font colors to make them more readble on the new background. So here's what my blog looks like now: It's not much, but I like it.

Caroline is a senior multimedia journalism major at UNC Chapel Hill. Her interests include music, television, cats, pizza, and beautiful news applications that tell a story. Find Caroline Pate on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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