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by James Geer

14 Oct 2013

This took me forever and I'm late on the deadline anyways but I think it's worth it to get what I want. I'm a big Modest Mouse fan and this picture just reminds me of their song 'Other People's Lives' which is one of my favorites (listen to it if you haven't). It's very repetitive and mixed up but it has patterns and connections and it's just great.

Note the circles don't really contribute to this idea. i also tried random_coloring the words and didn't like it very much. Although I did like that the cursor ended up off the lines like it was 'out of road' which is a major lyric of the song, but that wasn't intentional.

Here's the code:

import turtle from turtlehack import * import random

james = turtle.Turtle()

for i in range(random.randint(0, 10)): randomlocation(james, 50, 50) cruz.color(randomcolor()) random_circle(james, 2, 4)

words = ['out', 'of', 'everything', 'at', 'last'] for i in range(random.randint(0, 30)): randoword = random.choice(words) james.penup() randomlocation(james, 150, 100) james.write(rando_word) james.pendown()

words = ['out', 'of', 'gas', 'car', 'road'] for i in range(random.randint(30, 50)): randoword = random.choice(words) james.penup() randomlocation(james, 150, 100) james.write(rando_word) james.pendown()

Modest Mouse Turtlehack

James Geer is a MSIS student at UNC-Chapel Hill after graduating from UNC's undergrad with a degree in Strategic Communications. Find James Geer on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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