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Erin H's File I/O

by Erin Holmes

30 Sep 2013

So it doesn't ask for the filename until the end of the program, which is not exactly intuitive. But it does ask for it!

def add_names(list_of_names, file):
  Opens and adds a list of names to the end of a file, each on its own line
  # We open a file in 'a' mode, for appending to it.
  names_file = open(file, 'a')

  # For each line in the list, we print that to the file. 
  # This assumes one file per line.
  for name in list_of_names:
    print >> names_file, name

  # Close the file so the changes are visible.

# Exercise: make new_names customizible:
new_names = input('Enter a list of names: ');

# Exercise: make the file name used here customizible:
add_names(new_names, raw_input('Enter a filename: '))
Erin is a second year MSIS student and is trying her best at life! She hopes to be a git rockstar in about 3 months! Find Erin Holmes on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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