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Python Naming File

by Danielle Wingler

30 Sep 2013

This is what I have done so far with the code for the naming file assignment. It is functional.

def add_names(list_of_names, file):
  Opens and adds a list of names to the end of a file, each on its own line
  # We open a file in 'a' mode, for appending to it.
  names_file = open(file, 'a')

  # For each line in the list, we print that to the file. 
  # This assumes one file per line.
  for name in list_of_names:
    print >> names_file, name

  # Close the file so the changes are visible.

# Exercise: make new_names customizible:
new_names = input('Enter a list of names:')

# Exercise: make the file name used here customizible:
# This works as long as the user just types in the text file name without brackets or ', ". 
add_names(new_names, raw_input('Enter a file name:'))
Danielle is a BSIS student. Looking forward to learning more about programming. Still exploring career paths within the information science field. Find Danielle Wingler on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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