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Command line post

by Zekun Yu

16 Oct 2013

Post from command line

First, we should make some preparations. I start with cloning my own repository to my local laptop. Then I change my directory to fall2013. I set the remote url of the main project as 'upstream' and the url of my own fork as origin.

Here's the codes:

git clone
cd fall2013
git remote set-url origin
git remote add upstream

Then I open nano and create a new .md file, which is this one. After modifying it, I save and exit the nano.


Then I check the status, and there's a untracked file which I just created. I a$ it to files to be commited. And then commit the file with message. Finally, I c$ push my new post to Github.

Here's the codes:

git status
git add _posts/
git status
git config --global color.ui true
git status
git commit -m "Added my first command line post"
git status
git push origin gh-pages


It now exists in my own repository on Github. Finally, I send a pull request to merge the new post into the main repository.

Yu is a first year MSIS student. He likes programming and wants to learn more from class. Find Zekun Yu on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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