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christophers post from terminal

by Christopher Kenrick

14 Oct 2013

Look Ma! I'm learning to use the command line!

This is my first post from the terminal. I wasn't sure it was going to work at first because I recently swapped out the superdrive on my macbook pro for a SSD. When I got the new SSD up and running, I lost all of my applications, settings, etc. One of the main things I lost was my setting for VirtualBox, so I decided to just run Ubuntu off of Parallels 9, and I'm happy that I did because it's so much faster now.

So I really enjoyed this exercise because it was one of the first ones I've done so far where I didn't run into too many problems. I followed the instructions listed on the "forteenth class" notes as closely as possible, even though my ADHD made me want to skip reading some of the instructions. So after following the instructions I didn't have any problems except for when I tried to view my post on my localhost. When I first tried to view my post on localhost I kept getting an error, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. Well, after asking Grant for some help he pointed out that it was only a matter of forgetting to add "/" at the end of fall2013. After getting that fixed everything else fell into place nicely.

So it looks like everything is working fine, and I couldn't be more excited. Now let's see if I can push to Github.

Oh hells yes!

Christopher is a dual-degree student studying Information Science and Public Administration. Find Christopher Kenrick on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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