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My first command line post

by Caroline Pate

14 Oct 2013

Hi! Hey! Hello!

So here's how I commited to my repository through the command line: First, I installed Ruby using

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems python-dev python-pip

Then, I installed Jekyll and GitHub Pages with sudo gem install github-pages That didn't work, and it turned out I had an older version of Ruby. I tried Elliot's method of installing the new Ruby in class, but that didn't work either. So I just installed sudo gem install jekyll instead, and somehow that seemed to work.

Then, I opened a new terminal and entered

git clone{your-user-name}/fall2013.git

I then changed directories using 'cd fall2013.'

I did git remote add upstream to add the original repository, and then typed git remote -v to make sure that both remotes were there. I then made my first post by typing nano _posts/ and typed control o to save and control x to exit. I typed 'git status' to see my new, untracked file, added it using git add _posts/, and then committed it using git commit -m

To preview my new post, I closed out an opened a new terminal, typed 'cd fall 2013,' and then typed 'jekyll serve --watch.' I went to http://localhost:4000/fall2013, but the post wasn't there. Fortunately, when Elliot corrected the url by putting a backslash on the end in class on Wednesday, it worked!

To push my new post to my repository, I opened up a new browser and typed in git push origin gh-pages, but I had just updated my repository, so git got really mad at me and told me to do that first. So I had to type git pull origin gh-pages, add and commit again, and then push to origin again. But trouble struck yet again! Somehow, the _site folder had gotten copied to my repository on Ubuntu, and when I committed I was too lazy to type the file name and just did git add -A and git commit -a because I figured that the changes were there for a reason, right? WRONG! This became clear to me when I had to open a pull request for silshack. So I had to delete the files and re-commit them to my repository, and then it was fixed! Gods be praised!

Caroline is a senior multimedia journalism major at UNC Chapel Hill. Her interests include music, television, cats, pizza, and beautiful news applications that tell a story. Find Caroline Pate on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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